Russel Brody, a former successful playwright, works tirelessly on a new play while dealing with a strained marriage and an impending baby. When his wife accidentally dies, his mental state deteriorates into despair. His co-writer suggests he revisit his former mistress, Lucy, to regain his sanity. This action enrages the ghost of Brody’s wife, who begins to haunt him relentlessly. As Brody’s sanity unravels, the haunting intensifies, culminating in a terrifying confrontation with the ghost.
Director: Jared Cohn
Steve Richard Harris(Sex and the City, One Life to Life, CSI: NY)
Sara Malakul Lane (Kickboxer: Vengeance, Jailbait)
Angela Nicholas (Cherry, Wheels of Beauty, Operation Varity Blues)
Year: 2017
Country: USA
Running Time: 82 min.
Genre: Horror/Thriller